Sunday, May 11, 2008

Too Much...

Too much is not good, and some are so true.., but some are too much money..(ever heard thing like that..? Arrrrrrrghh..never been so far...), i've been evaluating myself what i've been doing for the last couple months specially on "too much thing"...very interesting how i found myself very unorganized-person...

  • too much spending on coffee-n-frens .. imperial bakery, bakerzia, excelso, starbuck, dome, coffee club which not good for health and not good for wallet ... :-(

  • too much chatting...

  • too much watching Desperate Housewives in a day... which almost acting like one..

  • too much thinking about the idea of having ideal relationship...which so fairy-tale!

  • too much illusion of having a better shape..kurus maksudnya..

but in the end of day.. i wake up knowing that those too much thing i've done..."ngga penting.....!!!" im just happy as i am... wuiiiich...i feel good...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cerita Sehari-hari...

Up-dating our life story which maybe most people think would be narcis..but hey..this is the reason why we do blogging right.., feeling right of being narcis... :-) with the reason up of dedicating the story for the loved ones.. but to be more fair and honest..its just more fulfilling my need or emotions..he..he..sorry guys..i think thats the truth...

This entry's just going to be like any other daily life moment..., just one week-end over another. Last Friday, i met Aurell's mum...Mira, Aurell's one of Gifta's fren at school. Both Aurell and Gifta wanted to go to spend time going to the mall...which really ok to me. Simple.. the Kids could have fun, so were the mums.., Kidz went to the playground with nannys...and after making sure everything's ok..we went for "whatever"...whatever here means really whatever..ha..ha..

This Saturday, our choice was Senayan City...coz we arrived lunch time then we directly went to Hoka-hoka Bento..every body (read : Aurell, Gifta n Nugra) had Shrimp, rice and Choc-Puding..hhmmm...then continued to the ritual..ok, the children would play about an hour there with Nannies so Mira and I had an hour also to go around..(ayah was not in picture..he's doing some training from work)

What Mums did..while children were playing..up-dating clothing situation (well...none!!), and then!!)..and go to ATM to finished the utilities bills (check...done!!)..and we end at Excelso me having latte and club sandwich complete with chips (guilty as charged..ouch!!) while Mira had Evian..hhmm..this gorgeous Lady really now how to behave....(wink!)....chit-chat-chit-chat...from planing swimming at Bellagio, week-end at Bandung, Bangkok..or even long-week end in Perth...have no idea at all which one is gonna be the real hour finished..we have to pick up our children...

Mira said she had to leave for something.., and i tot the same ..but my girl really insisted to play for deco or make something...there you destination Kidz Station Gifta made some painting..Nugra played hotwheel..end up buying ones... while me..juz look around, hey i found good discount on dish-ware.., and browsing gift for Nugras fren...."beautiful swimming towel with Cinderella on it" ... check and buy...

Nothing much we did actually just like ordinary week-end, we stopped for some groceries on the back home just around the neighbourhood, everybody's tired in the end and have rest after except me coz i have to do check and balance... but look what i got...Bills..and Bills..Oh No, we spent so much and its only 11th of the month...another strategy has to be done...Planning of taking rest was postponed after doing "the-check-and-balance things" HELP..somebody...HELP....!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Perjuangan hidup...?

Sekarang lagi musim penawaran 50% diskon untuk makan di resto-resto baik yang di mall atopun yang bukan...jadi memicu orang untuk makan...dengan harga yang murah..meskipun mahal karna memang restonya juga mahal.. Siang ini temenku mau traktir makan di Tony Romas karena ada promosi 50% untuk kartu kredit tertentu..yang ternyata orang2 pada antri..dan kalo pake kartu itu baru dapet seat buat makan 1 jam kemudian yang artinya kita harus berdiri 1jam hanya untuk makan ??????... %#***&&&**** (apa tuch artinya!!!)... buat aku pribadi ogah amat......, ternyata temenku si penraktir yg akan terbebani biaya makan siang itu..juga tidak sudi..., jadi lebih baik dia bayar full daripada harus antri...ha..ha...akhirnya berhasilah itu promosi resto mencapai tujuan..., karna masih ada quota meja buat pelanggan yg mau membayar lebih banyak :-( .... tanpa berusaha menyalahkan..thats' business, right? Perjuangan orang mau makan? thats not perjuangan pastinya ya..karna hanya memenuhi keinginan lidah dan perut bukan kebutuhan...
Akhirnya kita makan, dan selesai cepat2 karna harus ber-empati sama orang2 yang ngantri di luar...masak kita enak2 ngobrol sementara banyak orang nunggu seat kita di luar panas2 (cukup panas lah..di wahid hasyim secara dihalaman gitu...) dan alhasil..assisten yg suka antar jemput kita (me and children) belum masih selesai jemput anak2, akhirnya..cegat taxi, and back to office...trus apa crita judul perjuangan...? tunggu dulu dech..
Pas masuk taxi "tarif lama", bilang selamat siang pak..."taxi driver" jawab dengan suara lembut "selamat siang bu..." LHO! wanita rupanya, for the very first time for know for real taxi driver lady... dan aku jadi penumpangnya.., tidak gender hanya merasa agak surprise dan merasa apa ya...bingung lah menggambarkannya..
aku panggil "mbak" ke ibu supir taxi ini...mulai lah..aku membuka percakapan..karna ingin tau ato usil..beti lah..beda-beda tipis...
+ mbak, udah lama jadi supir taxi?
- udah bu, lumayan 1 tahun...
+ emang banyak ya supir taxi perempuan (yg bener perempuan apa wanita sich?...tau ah)
- banyak kok bu..
+ trus ngga takut? kalo2 ada orang jahat naik taxi mbak?
- engga lah udah biasa..
+ tapi kan narik kalo siang doang ya..., ngga sampe malem kan?
- engga bu 24 jam, karna ngejar setoran..kayak sekarang saya baru keluar siang..nanti saya
sampe jam 12 ato jam malam trus istirahat jam 6 pagi jalan lagi sampe siang..
masih dengan pikiran "how brave this woman on the night...." masih nanya lagi..
+ ngga takut ya mbak...malem-malem gitu...
- engga bu, tadinya sich suka capek dan sampe sakit tipus, tapi sekarang 1 hari ngga kerja
ngga betah...habis gimana bu..cari kerjaan kan susah sekarang.., ngga dapat kerjaan..
+ iya lah..mbak tapi tetep harus hati-hati ya..
ini bener2 lho dari hatiku yang terdalem... :-(
Percakapan masih berlanjut sebenernya dia diterima jadi supir bus-way cuma SIM mesti bikin yang untuk bis, crita setoran, penghasilan dan kisah2 lain masih terus .... sampe aku turun di gedung kantor ku ..., sepanjang ngobrol itu aku masih belum bisa menerima wanita.. dengan pekerjaan yg penuh resiko itu..entah ya.., bukan aku secara sebagai wanita minta dikasihani..hanya saja... secara alami malam2 ditengah jalan..istirahat/tidur didalam taxi malam2 di jalan..rasanya gimana gitu, tapi mungkin itulah Perjuangan hidup?
Setelah itu aku jadi malu ama diri sendiri dan TUHAN yg telah memberikan begitu banyak buat aku dan keluargaku tapi aku masih suka ngeluh.., masih merasa perlu pernyataan tentang diri sendiri dari orang lain..yang bener2 itu ngga penting.., masih kepingin beli ini itu...aduch TUHAN ampuni aku...Have mercy on me... i was so blind ... i know that im a lucky woman...turned out i know that im a verrrrrrrrrry..lucky one..., THANK YOU... THANK YOU... forgive me for mis-behaved which must be very annoying .... to YOU.
Dear Lord,
please Bless the taxi driver ladies wherever they are.., send your Angels to protect them from evil along the way ... and bless their Family, and give them other jobs if possible so then they could stay at home during the night, specially the ones who have children to support ... Lord, Thank you for listening to my prayer and theirs. Ameen.