Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Always good to have a gentleman around...

As a Mom, recognizing the character of
your child was not difficult at all.. cause it's part of you and your half..., every child has a unique character, beautiful in their way..without even put the effort to be , they already are. My two children have different character...Easy guess which one is the Daddy..and which one is the Mommy.....

( Ayah if you read this I could not stop smiling..., you always said that they both like u.....? )

But whatever the character my children have...once again...they are dazzling to my eyes..., as my boy, Nugra...He is very helpful person..real gentleman indeed... (deeeeeee.... siapa dulu emaknya....) always try to help people in many occasions...either school, or at home...or do the groceries... Thanks Nugra...You are a real Gentleman..Mommy love you so much...
+ Nugra would help Mommy with the sugar...?
- Ok..Mom..(with pleasure...)
dont have even asked him twice... so sweet...
? Nugra, U will be in Mom's blog soon...coz Mommy is gonna write about this...
(you can guess who were saying this ...yeah..right...He's been teasing me blogging.....)


Riana Ambarsari said...

Oh, how cute!! Too cute!!
Hi Nuke, salam kenal, it's an honor :)

Lisa said...

Nugra is so daddy banget.... kelihatan :-)

TrueMom said...

Pennylane atau Ria,

The best thing that I ever had. Your blog's very interesting ... write for more....we could be frens in real life :)

TrueMom said...

Masa sih..face-nya kali.. kalo helpful and thoughtful-nya kayaknya so ... me!! he..he..:)

TrueMom said...
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Riana Ambarsari said...

Let's! :)