Monday, December 22, 2008

i came to YOU...

i didnt even know why im here..

what drag me here ..why im gone this far..

i feel so low very low before YOU...

what the worse and even more ashamed that make me feel..

YOU still love me no matter what..

am i giving up my hope in YOU..??


even in the lowest point of my life..

what i have is only..

Love, Hope and Faith in YOU..

Thank you for loving me..abundantly..

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Keinginan nge-BAKE...



Week-end ini sibuk banget dech ama..ada perpisahan Novie yang pindah ke Jerman ikut suami, Farewell di-adain apartment mereka di F**r Se*s*n (ini mestinya ada crita tersendiri...karna ada hubungan sama mouse-trap-story), ....trus kawinan sodara ayah..(sodara ai juga ya..) di kebun Jeruk Sabtu Pagi, trus siangnya...'copy darat'..sama ibu-ibu muda blogger di rumah jeng Arie (ai..doang yang tuwir...he..he...) dalam rangka menyambut kedatangan tante isya liburan ke Indo....thank you ya udah di undang...dengan sok tau nya yours trully ini nge-gaya ama ayah.."yah..hari sabtu ini dari kondangan aku langsung ke Arie ya..mau ketemuan ama ibu2 dari blog nih..." ketauan ya noraknya..

Cerita mengenai anak dan masakan masih menjadi topik yang paling ter-mutakhir.., saking asyiknya kita ngga tau kemana dua laki2 bule itu pergi kemana ..minjem istilah Bianca nyebut monsieur "the host" Nicholas papa-tole dan monsieur "the guest of honor" Regis papa-celia ...yang ternyata pergi ngupi-2..mungkin pusing..liat ibu2 pada ngobrol ngga abis-2...he..he. n'est ce pas Monsieurs? :-)
Lanjut crita dari ngobrol bener2 kesempatan buat ai..berguru, terutama urusan bikin makanan..banyak yang harus dipelajari dan di follow-up ....
  • Menagih resep butter cream buat decoration..dari Ewoy yang katanya mirip ice-cream tapi padet...

  • Minta di ajarin martabak manis ama bu boma aka jeng lesca..tapi mesti beli cetakan dulu..kali ye..tanpa cetakan resep tak bergune..

  • Sementara itu latihan dulu..bikin2 bolu..dasar, dengan sasaran utama bikin cup-cake or/and muffin, dan jangka menengah bikin kue dekorasi selambat-lambatnya bulan Maret tahun depan..(!!)

Saking semangat nya mau nge-bake! langsung cari resep yang paling simple "cake marmer" yang konon kabarnya gampang banget.., begitu baca..eiya gampang banget nich kayaknya..(read=sok tau!!) cuma gini doang..kocok telor gulal sampe ngembang...terus masukan tepung..bla..bla..bla..ah..bisa dech ah!!! gini doang..if Lisa can do can I (makin menjadi sok taunya...he..he..he..) cerita di mulai nich..menyiapkan tepung-telor-and-the-gang, for your info karna yours trully ini completely amateur..jadi mixer juga seadanya..tapi kebetulan semua ada..jadi mulai dech nimbang..tepung, gula..dan akhirnya mulai mixing..pas mixing duch..pegel juga ya....

Eh sebelum itu ya..pas baca "emulsifier.." aku liat di koleksi ku ada 'pengembang kue TBM dan Ovalet.." hhhmmm...jadi yang mana ya..?? akhirnya aku sms my-dear-fren-called-sang maestro "jeng emulsifier itu TBM ato Ovalet..?"....lama ngga di jawab..ah sibuk kali nih si cantik lagi ngajar.., trus kata assistant handal memberikan masukan.."kalo kemaren sih...pake baking soda ama cream of tar-tar bu..".."oh gitu ya..mbak, ya udah masukin dech..sama aja..kalii ya..." akhirnya jadi lah di masukan ke dalam situ sesuai dengan saran mbak-ku...

Eh ada jawaban dari sang maestro he..he.."TBM dan Ovalet..sama".."y..ri..gue masukin baking soda ama cream of tar-tar..sama ngga?"..."laen..." ya udah dech pasrah...bantet..dech..hi..hik...ini penampakan si padat-berisi-(insteadofbantet)-heart-marmer-cake (?)....not easy to give up..begitu kata pepatah..akhirnya mencoba satu resep lagi dengan cara yang laen..tapi telornya kesalahan fatal terjadi..telor-gula-mentega..langsung di mix...di tengah2 mix ai udah curiga nih..wah lebih parah dech dari yang pertama huaahaa.....langsung ganti haluan dech ga jadi bikin cake..."udah dech mbak .." kita buat stock adonan pancake aja...bayangin coba..jam 12 siang bikin pancake kan ketauan..."katro.." opened from judgement dech..pokoknya... silahkan di simak hasil dari "apa-boleh-buat-wafel"....

Pokoke nih..Sabtu depan..aku bakal coba lagi..sampe beres...., learn from the mistake!! He...he..lama2 nich majikan di usir dari dapur sendiri..kalo bikin kerusakan terus di dapur..he..he.. "say a prayer for me please...."

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Cerita long week-end..

Libur panjang ..3 hari, karna kakak masih test semester jadi rencana mesti temenin kakak review belajar buat SA minggu ini..

  • rencana mau breakfast di Mulia sama anak2 dan tante efa..tapi kenapa ngga jadi ya? aduh sorry tante efa..
  • rencana belajar..baru sebentar buka buku, ke-inget mesti belanja buat bikin ketupat dan lain2..ya udah hypermart, sebelum itu ngajak2 anak2 makan dulu dech di Xiao Long Bao di Grand Indo.., habis itu grocerries dan cari cetakan wafel karna si kakak mau bikin sarapan buat minggu pas mau balik liat sate padang..(lupa udah makan xiao long bao!!) beli 2 bungkus..dasar!!
  • Nyampe rumah capek lah..toh masih ada minggu dan senin buat belajar...nonton TV dan tidur..

  • pagi, rileks trus mami ke gereja, pulang glodok..jauh banget ya, nyampe rumah udah sore banget, kakak udah cape nungguin mami ngambek ngga mau belajar..ya sudah tidur!! "i dont like test.." kata kakak "me neither.." kata mami...:-)

  • Waduh harus belajar nih.., tapi kakak mau belajar naik sepeda roda 2, ya sudah sepeda dulu..toh nanti si Lao shi dateng, ama Lao shi aja kali belajarnya.. mami juga pengen santai2 sebentar. Lao shi dateng..kakak belajar mami nonton gosip ..adek-ayah main game..
  • Eh Lisa-Regis-Celia mau ke rumah buat ketupat dinner, Lisa's just like my need too much covered-up the house lah..apa adanya, makanan udah tinggal dikit..coba dateng agak siang..lis..masih banyak dech..he..he.., we had a good time..."simpel dinner-just like family"kata Regis..ah mas Regis, bisa aja..maksudnya pas-pas an..ha.ha..tapi si cece..seneng banget..he..he..ngga mau pulang ketemu Kitty, Lapin.., princess, Couchon..its good to see you guys...we still owe you a better home dinner or lunch..lets set up the time while you guys here..

Akhir cerita ga belajar he..he.. like mother like daughter indeed!! Gitu dech cerita..our little fancy holiday, nothing special.. and just enjoy day to day spending our time together..just do the-very-simple-routine-things, the least that we are together..that's all matter, isnt it?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

the Complicated Mandarin Language...

Complicated least to me, i found it difficult to catch with this subject..whenever i am able to comprehend the lesson then i could not pronounce the word corectly, once i asked teacher in Gifta's school.., what if this subject is too difficult for my kid (3 times a week with once test every week...writing chinesse character!!!) and these are for 6 years old kid..i've been thinking am i wrong take this class or even the school? but thats the only school in the option right now...we have background why we chose this school. back to my question to senior teacher (she also one of the owner), she got a very wise answer..."Mandarin is difficult for everybody..not only for your long as she doesnt have any problem with English..just give it a try, but for those kid who has difficulty in English..i suggest just drop, and shift to Bahasa Indonesia.."

The reason why i chose Mandarin (they have Mandarin and Bahasa Indonesia Class...with the same category) because i thought i have paid expensive enough for the school fee so then i have to get more and at the same time, it happened to be my girl's choice..coz she loves mandarin.., but it turned out the mummy has to be more as my girl so then i studied..using the same book. till sometime i have to check the homework after they slept..slightly read the book..and go over..that's worse..Man...really lost in translation..

So many stories about this subject, i really need help so then my girl could follow not only for getting the points itself but to even deepter, so then one day she could talk Mandarin and also write..(wuiiiiiiiih..Mum's ambition all right dech!! ) i dont really much care about score/marks, i just want my girl enjoy learning the subject and good result in the end of the day.

make the story short..i got the young talented Lao shi (=teacher) to have Mandarin session at home "one hour every Monday". The first day, i worked half day the purpose of meeting this lao shi at home and have some points of view this is going..the method she used and everything.. so far just great..

I got good feed back at first , she said that my girl easy to comprehend but need practice to pronounce the word..she compared..bla..bla.., the next week my girl got 100 score for test..good girl, but along the week that i have to leave her for business trip..she got low score for that week test.., it seems this Lao shi pretty disappointed about the result..while to me yeaw..a bit upset but its ok i didnt make a big deal of it.., its not end of the world..still plenty of time. Last Monday, our mbak said that Lao shi need to talk to me..wondering what about? then i called her..

+ Hi Lao shi did u ask me to call you? ada apa?
- Iya tante..itu Gifta tadi aku ajarin 2 crita tapi kayaknya satu aja belum kepegang padahal udah 1 jam lebih..
+ Oh ya ngga papa lah.. kita coba aja...(i am the Mum who willing to take any chance for my girl)
- Iya..trus kayaknya Gifta kurang cepet nangkep....
+ (me speechless...think this young teacher lady has been crossing the line...)
- maksudnya kurang cepet kalo nangkep Mandarin.. (she added ..)
+ ngga papa lah..di coba aja.. (i was really..reallly...uncomfortable with her judgement, she just underestimated my daughter....)
+ no worries..Lao shi

But after that conversation i was really in deep anger...and got no nerve to tell Ayah..he would be pist off for sure..., so i've been thinking of terminate this mandarin session at home..and i dont care if she is the best mandarin teacher in the world.., I AM THE MOTHER I COULD DO EVEN BETTER THAN HER..EVEN I DONT KNOW MANDARIN..., what do you think Ladies...Mummies...? any idea...

Note :
somehow mum being so emotional..if thing to do with the children, but have to be wise to see the problem from different angle..mum decided to keep the mandarin session at home. Sorry Lao-shi for me being so emotional!! if you've got the chance to read this entry...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Kaki..the autumn fruit..

we had really nice lunch at very traditional tempura restaurant at Takamatsu-country side of the food.., even the rice was really yummy..all fresh.."anago-ebi-taco-daicon-hamachi fishi-and vegies" and traditional..hhmm..this country is really something so neat..organize and polite.., dont tell Indonesian is very polite and kind.., they are really more polite..kind i dont know... :-) very strict to the rules i may wonder they became very strong economically..
in the end of lunch..the old lady who also owns the restaurant serve and cook together with his hubby which i found romantic way to spend the oldies..ha..ha....offered us fruit.., we simply say yes..we've been told that was autumn fruit called "kaki"...funny name isnt it? the first time ..when it served the fruit just deja vu rembering me of kesemek fruit when i was little..which really difficult to find also these days.., but "kaki fruit" tastes a bit different with kesemek that we know..sweeter but the texture similar.., since then we almost had kaki fruit all the way .."this is kaki..fruit.." and we proudly say.."oh yeah..we also have in Indonesia...we called kesemek..." the i would heard..."oooh ok.....what mek?" what a ugly name they thought probably..
we got a chance to see the view of country side..and i saw the orange fruit all over the place with no leave just fruits all over the branches..just like "fake" ...oh thats kaki fruit, we just like a couple of kids (me and my boss)...take the pictures..the one that i took just like the wild no one has beautifuuuuuuull...its just in between autumn leaves change to red..there you go the fruit tree was there...
after we got to Tokyo we just like haunted by kaki fruit stories..., one of big boss told the story that one Japanese..brought kaki fruit seed to indonesia..and plant there.."oh i see that kesemek was coming from..." becoz the climate pretty much different so they grow differently...hhhmm..pretty classical..dont you think? like foreign people who stayed in indonesia too long... dont get offended could be positif ...and could be either way..
How come i've never heard any story of our, salak, durian..just any story...but Hey i took so much time talking rubbish...who cares anyway just the fruits....!! KESEMEK anyone...???

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lousy Mum all right...

No matter how hard i tried to be a good Mum..still sad story indeed coming around in between managing my home and works..home means children and their activities happened like yesterday
Gifta Mandarin Small Test Story..soon i knew that Gifta would have Mandarin small test, on the way back home from work i called one the mum that i believe a-very- reliable- source for any information related to school. She told me the material for test..would page 53 to 59 for the day after tomorrow, i still have time then..i usually prepare vocabulary flash card that i made myself related to this page to help my girl to study not always..if still have time. On the way Ayah called that the children want McD for dinner, they didnt want to eat the whole day coz they were not feeling then when ayah called, they asked for McD and Ayah was delegating to me..see the SOP really works here...what-a-busy-after-office-hour-duty :-)
with bag of Mc D, i got home Nugra's only want chips, Gifta some of chicken and rice..hhmm...they're not fully recovered from they still lost their appetite...i feel sad, tired yes but more to sad to see my lovely ones pada lemes begitu...i decided tomorrow Gifta doesnt have to go to school, Nugra has to go for Photo session...He was going to wear the Bali traditional Custom ..He's so then ok, that would be ok ..i think. The next day Gifta insisted to go to school, as usual i dropped off before ofis everything normal..until 10 o'clock i"m got a call from ita (one of the mums at school) that "nugra-muntah-muntah" di sekolah..."keliatannya lemes banget"...i feel like going home but i could not so i call my assistant to pick up my boy...., i called home my assistant said that he only wanted to eat apple didnt want anything else..i feel so frustrating that i couldn't be with him...
the story goes..sorry if its bored you to death, i tried to leave early but traffic put me in damage..i got home 7.30...straight to business.., see how's the kids doing..specially nugra...he didnt have fever but still "lemes-lemes", and he went to bed early with his dad..while Kakak would have then had to prepare..there you go.. i got my flash card already "from -shua ya till yuan quan" if you know what i mean..starting.."brush teeth" then my girl say " shua ya".."fast" then my girl said "kuai".. i could see the Gifta was tired..she said mum i am tired.., i asked to sit in my continue.., still tired continue in bed..she got spirit you know..!! i am so proud of her...
In the morning, I walked with her to the class...its full already..i wanna make sure that she's all rite, she didnt make family tree home work i said its ok i would talk to her teacher... then i heard over two-mums conversation about mandarin turned out the test was not from the page that we prepared but different..its from "the-worksheet"... WHAT!!!!!!
without invitation i joined the conversation.. "R u Sure??" yes.., what about page 55-59 ? i insist alias ngotot.."its homework" ..OMG...i felt really bad, i didnt how to react....just feeling guilty all over to my girl. i should have checked to other mum..but its too late...nothing i could about it..
i said sorry to my Gifta.., it was completely mum's fault ... it seems she didnt worry at all, i should learn from her...
this thing would not go away..its still going around in my head, i saw my watched it was 3 oclock oh my baby girl already home by now so then i called her..
+ hi Gifta..what are you doing?
- im doing my home-work mum..its math
+ so how's your test today? can you do it?
- hhhmm..kayaknya sih ngga bisa... (with-no-regret-tone)
+ its ok lah..maafin mami ya..
- ok mum..
most important thing ...that she is all right..!! but still I am a lousy mum all right!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ade paksa kakak senyum...

Lho kakak kok cemberut sih?? ayoo senyum dong kak...
Nugra..ayo dong bilang kakak senyum..

sesuai instruksi..nugra "ask" kakak to smile...

"ayooooooooo kakak Gifta senyum...ayo kak...." kata nugra membujuk setengah memaksa...:)

"Kakak udah senyum nich..ayoo cepet di foto"
berhasil..dech misi nugra bikin kakak senyum..
look at their smile..very look a like..dont you think?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Kangen..banget dech sama kakak juga adek.., kangen ini makin membuncah..ceile membuncah kayak ombak, pada saat teringat kita ngomel2 ke mereka..terutama sama kakak pas belajar.., kenapa ya..aku kok ngga bisa lebih sabar ke anak2...??? meskipun udah di coba...sabar tapi tetep senewen..

yang ada kalo inget jadi merasa bersalah ngga karu2an...sedih, kangen ...pengen cepet pulang..mau minta maaf..

Maafin mami ya kak..., mami ngga marah2 lagi dech...

Pokoknya mami ngaku dech mami yang salah!!! kakak kan pasti cuma niru..cetak ayah ato mami..

Mami janji dech..bantuin mami ya..biar ngga marah-marah lagi, biar jadi mami yang baik dan bijaksana...


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mengapa kau meninggalkan ku...

sebuah perjuangan untuk memiliki mu baik mental maupun spiritual..apa iya betul engkau cukup berharga untuk di miliki..., warna merah yang begitu menarik perhatian ku. Kalo boleh terus terang.... aku tidak benar2 memerlukan ..bahasa gaul "ga butuh-butuh amat dech!" tapi kau tau kan waktu itu aku lagi stress jadi perlu pelampiasan...yang sehat.. :-)
Dengan segala pertimbangan akhirnya ..kukeluarkan dompet ku demi dirimu.., dengan bangga aku memilki mu...meskipun sebenarnya kurang cocok dengan penampilan ku yang jauh dari mewah..tapi tak apa habis gimana dong aku sudah kadung jatuh cinta padamu..
Tapi mengapa oh mengapa (dangdut banget ngga sich?).. engkau begitu cepat menghilang...baru aku tarok di ruang tamu kantor orang..trus langsung menghilang tanpa bekas, tanpa pengakuan satupun pernah melihat...masa kau begitu magic sih...!! tapi maafin aku dech aku yang teledor mungkin yang "menemukan mu" jauh membutuhkan dirimu dari aku...apapun alasannya...
aku sering merindukan mu.., tapi untuk berjuang memiliki mu thank you...!!!!!!!! O2-life punya ayah...sudah jadi pelipur lara ku....jadi dont get the wrong idea, nothing personal..its completely something to do with my wallet..thats all... bye my dear...sorry i lost you..

Thursday, August 28, 2008

my dream

Kita pasti punya keinginan ya.. , impian lah..lebih persisnya meskipun kadang-kadang keinginan kita berubah-ubah terus ngikutin situasi hati ato mood. yours trully ini biangnya ganti-ganti keinginan alias labil..sebentar kepengen ini sebentar pengen itu..alhasil nyontek istilah "efa" nich pesenannya ngga dateng2..kayak kita dateng ke restoran nich pesen bakmi ga jadi deng nasi goreng ngga jadi soto ayam kayaknya enak nich..udah di catet apa si pelayan berubah lagi..jadi nasi rames... ( ini pasti di warteg dech bukan restoran!!)..kata si pelayan capeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk..dech..
Konon kabarnya kalo demikian keinginan kalo berubah-rubah...ya itu persis kayak cerita di warteg itu ngga terwujud-wujud, nach cerita dari itu maka si mami labil ini pengen "wannabestableperson" yang tau apa yang di kepengenin..dengan diskusi sana diskusi sini...maksud nya ngrumpi sana ngrumpi sini!! baca sana baca sini, akhirnya bikin dech apa yang pengen di capai..dengan rentang waktu berapa lama (caielllllllllleeeeeeeee....suit-suit...), dan kira apa yang mesti di lakukan...ketemulah rumus keinginan 4/4 5K (efa you must know what i mean...we set up this for pretty some time right...?) dan sekarang gimana cara achieve-nya nich...
katanya gini-gini..ngga boleh nyerah..."dont-ever-give-up-dont-ever-quit-motto"..praktek dech nich critanya.., keliatannya di awal2 waduch keliatannya lancar nich .. bakal bisa nich...lho..kok tersendat-tersendat, ngga boleh nyerah..., terus ... maju...kok jadi capek banget dan keteteran nich..wah something wrong kayaknya...terlalu ngotot ampe badan pegel sana pegel sini...apa iya mesti begini nich...?
Kenapa susah ya..?? apa yang aku kepengen ngga ada di menu?? ah masa sih ngga ada di menu? kan masih di dunia...pasti ada lah ya..., pasti satu titik kesimpulan..yang masih belum tersimpul.., i just let it flow, but the dream's still there...
very simple dream...wanna have more time with my children, have time to take care of the house and dear hubby (hubby first? confusing :-) ... recently i felt guilty leaving my children all alone only with our assistants...specially when they are growing up now they need even more attention from me their mum...accompany them doing their home works instead of only checking ..while they were ready to go to bed... :( for some people maybe its not a big deal..but it is for this is my dream for me...a strong one, a very strong or strongest one i guess among any other dream....
is it just me...or its a normal having this feeling...?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thank you for the friendship...

The only reason that i put this picture is just to say thank you to all my friends at previous office which i share experience so much with them both personally and professionally. It was just like yesterday that i saw you guys everyday...sharing everything as a team, having lunch...hhmm..lot of places..Mie Ayam bawah, Sate ..Bakso di Block S, Padang Uni Taraso..Warung ijo..hhhmm...never been there i always refused to come..i always have a good reason for that " mendingan makan di rumah gue..."..and last but not least Paregu....(kapan nich...?)
Times goes so fast, i had to make the was really hard but its more about is about choices right? Leaving you guys was very difficult..the place-where-everyone-knows-my-name, where- i-have-unofficial-mom's-club (enny...yully you are always in my heart ..i love you and i miss the time that we shared together!!) and at the same time i could work professionally and get paid (what's more important than that?)..but things had been changed whether we like it or not..but anyway..there will never be a good reason to end the friendship...
Iam not sure if you read this..but i'd like to....

thank you for your friendship...
thank you for your support during difficult time
thank you for your Love..
thank you for laugh and cry with me...
last but not least thank you for home theatre ....
we all enjoy the farewell present....
I love you....

Monday, August 25, 2008

Pertanyaan yang tak dapat terjawab...

Tadi malem..pas lagi belajar sama si kakak.., ade bebas dech tuh..karna memang masih TK ya de' masa mau belajar..he..he..

si kakak tanya dech sama mami...

+ mami sayang kakak ngga?
- sayang dong..masa tanya gitu?
+ sayang mana nugra apa kakak?
- dua-duanya mami sayang...
+ kalo mami harus milih satu, mami pilih..siapa..? harus pilih satu mam...
- (......ooooooooooooooooohhh...GOD....)
- im really in a deep silent..

ada yang punya pengalaman sama?? mesti jawab apa sich..yang bijaksana tapi membesarkan hati anak, to make each of them be honest..aku ngga jawab...just silent mode.

To my children :
you know that mum loves you so much..unconditionally.. Gifta you are my first baby..first baby alwalys special..and Nugra you complete me...I love you both with all my heart and soul.., no one loves you the way i do.. (sorry ayah..i think its true..he..he..)

Mami punya assistant handal ...

Ritual habis pulang kantor..langsung check-check..buku2 dan PR anak2.., try hard to be a good Mum (wink...) biasanya check punya kakak dulu.. (duch anak SD..kok pelajaran kayak gitu ya...)...done udah selesai..

Gantian punya Nugra... smile.., nugra juga udah bikin tanpa bantuan mami, tinggal check aja..lho..kok!! i was the second person who checked nugra's home work..who took over my job??? must've been ayah lah.. lho kok signature-nya gini..?? (we have to put our signature on the homework paper..its compulsory from school..)

while i was wondering....there was voice..

+ aku udah check homework ade..udah bener semua kok mam...
- trus ini tanda-tangan siapa?
+ iya trus aku tanda-tangan dech langsung disitu...
- oh terimakasih kakak.., bantuin mami ya..good girl..
(terharu dech bow..!!!)

So sweet...she was acting mum checking her brother homework...!! aduch mami sekarang udah punya assistant handal nich...thank you..kak..!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

conversation that made me smile...part-1

Gramatical Vs Ethical
Gifta story-time : evening- set place : car

Gifta : in english class, my fren (she mentioned girl name) say like this..."the socks Mr. Danny
(teacher's name) is smelly)..." its not right..., right mum?
me : yes ... and its not nice and polite...
Gifta : ya...seharusnya kan..."Mr Danny's socks are smelly, why do you change your socks...."
me : ##%%&&&&&& (speechless...)

Nugrah Vs Ngalah..
TIS - evening - pick restor for dinner

we were in TIS for dinner as usual we let children decide the place to eat...

me : ok .. what do you want eat?
Gifta : i want that restaurant mum...i want eat noodles...
( she pointed Dutch resto...)
Nugra : i want pizza hut..
Gifta :
Nugra : aku mau pizza...
me : ga berantem guys decide..
Gifta : ya udah lah..aku ngalah..
me : gitu dong pinter..
Nugra : aku juga dech ngalah...
me : waduh pinter juga nugra..jadi kita makan dimana nich kalo 2-2 nya ngalah...
Nugra : pizza hut..

Friday, August 15, 2008

Living in fear or Living in Peace...

One evening in Excelso Grand Indo, my two colleagues and me have casual business meeting, from business finally we jump also talk about family and life... children and problem.., from cap cay topic..brought the topic how often we got angry...??? i claimed that im very seldom got angry in terms of arguing or yelling... specially at home.., and my fren said thats probably you've not been in stage of facing something that you fear the most...

those line..going around my head have i been facing the problem that i fear the most?? what i fear the most? recently i have been facing that things..who did i react? ... oh any other human being..panic, sad, name it, didnt want see anyone...escalating the work only the purpose of forgeting the problem..but it seems like a ghost chasing me around.., the question is why i could get my fren said, his theory was wrong or me being abnormal..not able to get angry..

everything so meaningless..., like all the worth thing has been taken away from me...which i know thats not true..i was lost, so i became living in a fear...that i would never ever dreamed about it. i came to my pray..i feel THORN..."Lord, this is me alone with my weakness and sin...i believe i have faith and love for YOU..but as i know that YOU love me even more..., please come rescue us..." but the only thing that i could hear in my faith is just..."LEAVE everything to ME and TRUST ME.." nothing more nothing less...

instead of living in fear..i choose living in Peace with HIM alone.., if HE allow all this thing happened i believe you have a great plan for me... like a mother of MOSES...She was a great mother...then here i am Lord with my weakness and sin..THANK YOU, its my great honor to serve you Lord. again THANK YOU..for your WISDOM and GUIDANCE...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Crita-crita bulan July...

Wuich...banyak debu nich kayaknya, karna ibu pemilik blog lagi rada kocar kacir kebanyakan acara..(gaya..yah..) pertama-tama karna sawahnya pindah, jadi mesti nyangkul dari awal.., jenis taneman sama..tapi ngerjain nya mesti rada beda..karna kulture udah pasti beda...
Lebih dari itu..yours trully penulis blog ini..kebanyakan mau alias kebanyakan gaya dan cita2 akhirnya lebih sering kecapekan dech..pegel sana pegel sini jadi ngga sempet.."narcis" disini dech akhirnya..
Tapi ini tidak boleh dilewatkan..karna emang penting...hari pertama anak2 sekolah..yyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeaaachh.. Gifta udah SD..lho, dan Nugra..TK..times goes so fast..they were just my girl has been able to spell "principal...teacher...policeman...hour...mouth..d ..el..el.." hebring ya..siapa dulu dong mami nya..he..he..
Ini lho photo-photonya... ....sedikit tapi...lumayan lah..buat di inget dan di tarok di blog...

Kakak Ita..SD..waduch kak..kok kayak anak SMP sich....???
R u sure you are 6 years old my dear...??

Ini daftar student di kelas Kakak Ita...

Ini ade Nugra yang udah Tk..semangat dong de..!!!

Psst...ternyata Nugra cukup popular lho..!! among the girl??????

Ini rules di kelas ade Nugra...

Its piece of cake..lah ya de....Nugra is the rule

Btw, tanggal 13 July Kakak ulang tahun yang ke -6, Di Ulang tahun yang ke-6 kakak belajar..artinya sederhana.., aduch Mami aja kadang2 masih kerepotan..tapi kakak udah lebih ngerti ya...!!! Makasih ya...kak...buat sikap-sikap yang luar biasa...

Happy Birthday Kakak..
My hope, pray, and love always be with you
You are always special to me and you always will be..
You are my best friend.., I love you my darling....
Sorry for sometime..i have let you down..
but keep the faith..that the best thing from Above always come along.. binding us..forever and mom and daughter..
and also a very good friend and her best friend... I love you sweetheart...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

lovely card..from Gifta

i believe every Mum would feel the same as i did when i got this lovely card from Gifta on Mother Day..., maybe the whole class made this for their mum..but still..made me special..thank you Gifta...

beautiful isnt it? nothings compares to this...

even Hallmark could not compete with this one...
thank you sweetheart...

Mami selalu check ...

the picture of nugra for you..

its always nice receiving compliment from people specially from the one that we care and love..and we were young..we young..once of course we often got lost becoz of those compliments...(read : rayuan2 gombal..) we enjoyed them even though sometimes it completely false..but we loved it anyway... but thing changed when i met someone today i called him ayah who seldom gave this rayuan2 from "once-upon-the-time-period" till he..he.. its just like you expect "hujan emas" eh..itu mah bukan jarang ya..ngga pernah ya...he..he..

Since became Mum..i always try my best to put my feet the ground...(ceile..suit--suit) but turned out i've been receiving lots of the most genuine compliments ever from my loved for food we prepared..or just the unbelievably understanding attitude...

one touchy conversation with nugra at 11 o'clock nite when i just got home from meeting...(wuich..kesan gimana gitu ya..jadi malu!!)

+ Hi .. Nugra..kok belum bobo...?
(with-guilty-mum-feeling!!! for real)

- Belum..lagi tunggu mami..
so sweet..but made me even felt guilt to my bones..

+ Nugra, mami mau ngomong nich.., mami minta maaf ya.., kalo akhir2 ini mami pulang terlambat terus.., tapi ini cuma sementara kok..nanti juga pulang cepet lagi..
(hopefully pretty soon...keep my faith...)

- iya mi, ngga papa kok...
(wisdom from 4 years old boy that you could not even imagine...)

+ sekarang bobo sama mami yuukk

- ok...
- mami ...

+ ya kenapa nugra..?

- mami itu selalu check ngga pernah cross....
(he learned that check for the right answer and cross from the right one.. ouch!!!)

oh boy...Nugra my darling..when i felt that i gave him lack of time but in return he gave me the world..thank you my meant a lot to me, im so sorry if mum still has to spend so much time for outside the house.. but its only temporary i promise you....thank you for marking me as check instead of cross even though..mum deserve cross...dont you think? :-(

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Too Much...

Too much is not good, and some are so true.., but some are too much money..(ever heard thing like that..? Arrrrrrrghh..never been so far...), i've been evaluating myself what i've been doing for the last couple months specially on "too much thing"...very interesting how i found myself very unorganized-person...

  • too much spending on coffee-n-frens .. imperial bakery, bakerzia, excelso, starbuck, dome, coffee club which not good for health and not good for wallet ... :-(

  • too much chatting...

  • too much watching Desperate Housewives in a day... which almost acting like one..

  • too much thinking about the idea of having ideal relationship...which so fairy-tale!

  • too much illusion of having a better shape..kurus maksudnya..

but in the end of day.. i wake up knowing that those too much thing i've done..."ngga penting.....!!!" im just happy as i am... wuiiiich...i feel good...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cerita Sehari-hari...

Up-dating our life story which maybe most people think would be narcis..but hey..this is the reason why we do blogging right.., feeling right of being narcis... :-) with the reason up of dedicating the story for the loved ones.. but to be more fair and honest..its just more fulfilling my need or emotions..he..he..sorry guys..i think thats the truth...

This entry's just going to be like any other daily life moment..., just one week-end over another. Last Friday, i met Aurell's mum...Mira, Aurell's one of Gifta's fren at school. Both Aurell and Gifta wanted to go to spend time going to the mall...which really ok to me. Simple.. the Kids could have fun, so were the mums.., Kidz went to the playground with nannys...and after making sure everything's ok..we went for "whatever"...whatever here means really whatever..ha..ha..

This Saturday, our choice was Senayan City...coz we arrived lunch time then we directly went to Hoka-hoka Bento..every body (read : Aurell, Gifta n Nugra) had Shrimp, rice and Choc-Puding..hhmmm...then continued to the ritual..ok, the children would play about an hour there with Nannies so Mira and I had an hour also to go around..(ayah was not in picture..he's doing some training from work)

What Mums did..while children were playing..up-dating clothing situation (well...none!!), and then!!)..and go to ATM to finished the utilities bills (check...done!!)..and we end at Excelso me having latte and club sandwich complete with chips (guilty as charged..ouch!!) while Mira had Evian..hhmm..this gorgeous Lady really now how to behave....(wink!)....chit-chat-chit-chat...from planing swimming at Bellagio, week-end at Bandung, Bangkok..or even long-week end in Perth...have no idea at all which one is gonna be the real hour finished..we have to pick up our children...

Mira said she had to leave for something.., and i tot the same ..but my girl really insisted to play for deco or make something...there you destination Kidz Station Gifta made some painting..Nugra played hotwheel..end up buying ones... while me..juz look around, hey i found good discount on dish-ware.., and browsing gift for Nugras fren...."beautiful swimming towel with Cinderella on it" ... check and buy...

Nothing much we did actually just like ordinary week-end, we stopped for some groceries on the back home just around the neighbourhood, everybody's tired in the end and have rest after except me coz i have to do check and balance... but look what i got...Bills..and Bills..Oh No, we spent so much and its only 11th of the month...another strategy has to be done...Planning of taking rest was postponed after doing "the-check-and-balance things" HELP..somebody...HELP....!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Perjuangan hidup...?

Sekarang lagi musim penawaran 50% diskon untuk makan di resto-resto baik yang di mall atopun yang bukan...jadi memicu orang untuk makan...dengan harga yang murah..meskipun mahal karna memang restonya juga mahal.. Siang ini temenku mau traktir makan di Tony Romas karena ada promosi 50% untuk kartu kredit tertentu..yang ternyata orang2 pada antri..dan kalo pake kartu itu baru dapet seat buat makan 1 jam kemudian yang artinya kita harus berdiri 1jam hanya untuk makan ??????... %#***&&&**** (apa tuch artinya!!!)... buat aku pribadi ogah amat......, ternyata temenku si penraktir yg akan terbebani biaya makan siang itu..juga tidak sudi..., jadi lebih baik dia bayar full daripada harus antri...ha..ha...akhirnya berhasilah itu promosi resto mencapai tujuan..., karna masih ada quota meja buat pelanggan yg mau membayar lebih banyak :-( .... tanpa berusaha menyalahkan..thats' business, right? Perjuangan orang mau makan? thats not perjuangan pastinya ya..karna hanya memenuhi keinginan lidah dan perut bukan kebutuhan...
Akhirnya kita makan, dan selesai cepat2 karna harus ber-empati sama orang2 yang ngantri di luar...masak kita enak2 ngobrol sementara banyak orang nunggu seat kita di luar panas2 (cukup panas lah..di wahid hasyim secara dihalaman gitu...) dan alhasil..assisten yg suka antar jemput kita (me and children) belum masih selesai jemput anak2, akhirnya..cegat taxi, and back to office...trus apa crita judul perjuangan...? tunggu dulu dech..
Pas masuk taxi "tarif lama", bilang selamat siang pak..."taxi driver" jawab dengan suara lembut "selamat siang bu..." LHO! wanita rupanya, for the very first time for know for real taxi driver lady... dan aku jadi penumpangnya.., tidak gender hanya merasa agak surprise dan merasa apa ya...bingung lah menggambarkannya..
aku panggil "mbak" ke ibu supir taxi ini...mulai lah..aku membuka percakapan..karna ingin tau ato usil..beti lah..beda-beda tipis...
+ mbak, udah lama jadi supir taxi?
- udah bu, lumayan 1 tahun...
+ emang banyak ya supir taxi perempuan (yg bener perempuan apa wanita sich?...tau ah)
- banyak kok bu..
+ trus ngga takut? kalo2 ada orang jahat naik taxi mbak?
- engga lah udah biasa..
+ tapi kan narik kalo siang doang ya..., ngga sampe malem kan?
- engga bu 24 jam, karna ngejar setoran..kayak sekarang saya baru keluar siang..nanti saya
sampe jam 12 ato jam malam trus istirahat jam 6 pagi jalan lagi sampe siang..
masih dengan pikiran "how brave this woman on the night...." masih nanya lagi..
+ ngga takut ya mbak...malem-malem gitu...
- engga bu, tadinya sich suka capek dan sampe sakit tipus, tapi sekarang 1 hari ngga kerja
ngga betah...habis gimana bu..cari kerjaan kan susah sekarang.., ngga dapat kerjaan..
+ iya lah..mbak tapi tetep harus hati-hati ya..
ini bener2 lho dari hatiku yang terdalem... :-(
Percakapan masih berlanjut sebenernya dia diterima jadi supir bus-way cuma SIM mesti bikin yang untuk bis, crita setoran, penghasilan dan kisah2 lain masih terus .... sampe aku turun di gedung kantor ku ..., sepanjang ngobrol itu aku masih belum bisa menerima wanita.. dengan pekerjaan yg penuh resiko itu..entah ya.., bukan aku secara sebagai wanita minta dikasihani..hanya saja... secara alami malam2 ditengah jalan..istirahat/tidur didalam taxi malam2 di jalan..rasanya gimana gitu, tapi mungkin itulah Perjuangan hidup?
Setelah itu aku jadi malu ama diri sendiri dan TUHAN yg telah memberikan begitu banyak buat aku dan keluargaku tapi aku masih suka ngeluh.., masih merasa perlu pernyataan tentang diri sendiri dari orang lain..yang bener2 itu ngga penting.., masih kepingin beli ini itu...aduch TUHAN ampuni aku...Have mercy on me... i was so blind ... i know that im a lucky woman...turned out i know that im a verrrrrrrrrry..lucky one..., THANK YOU... THANK YOU... forgive me for mis-behaved which must be very annoying .... to YOU.
Dear Lord,
please Bless the taxi driver ladies wherever they are.., send your Angels to protect them from evil along the way ... and bless their Family, and give them other jobs if possible so then they could stay at home during the night, specially the ones who have children to support ... Lord, Thank you for listening to my prayer and theirs. Ameen.

Monday, April 21, 2008

what's so called being Positive...

now we could easily find the self-improvement-books or courses..which lead to become positive person..whenever we read the books or joined the course or training/workshop..its like we found something new..something that we could apply to our daily life..specially things to do with our professional work life..., How to think B to reach B thing, How we should not limit our thought or ability..sort of thing like that ...

Everything looks easily to follow, complete with guidance of get the final result. My frend told me that She got the result already by following this, thus she made the decision that She would quit the job by mid of this year and build her own thing..i was so impressed about her decision ...

another fren of mine, she made the decision to leave the job as a secretary and became an insurance agent together with her husband and she made it, i saw her name on the newspaper where her insurance company put a big Ad putting her names as MDRT (i didnt know what it means..just called it as achievement...)

Then the problem why i didnt have a courage to do the same ... many people said if you dont love the job then that simple? what about set of responsibility that you have...? should we have put them on consideration right? or am i too coward to face the changes?...exactly i feel like a coward now...completely... , i love my job really ... but in the certain circumstances i've been pushed not to like them at the same time ...

i have busy brain at this moment..but no time for regret...yes NO regret. Its time to move on, be positive and grateful ... as i heard the preacher told me last Sunday which really inspired me pure and simple ... but sometime hardly to manifest in my daily life...

GOD give the prosperity in all areas to be our right as fruits
but the root should be built in holy life ... both in tought, mind, heart and behaviour so then
our life would be fruitfull and blessed ...

i was stunned listening to these words.., if so..i definetely need HELP.....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Liburan tanpa rencana..

Liburan yang tidak direncanakan itu tepatnya mungkin judulnya,... crita keputusan ini di ambil karna para Asisten-2 handal di rumah pada pulang kampung..karna "mantu" dan yang satu sebagai tantenya juga harus hadir..akhirnya..."yours trully" ini harus cuti untuk melakukan tugas2 yang memang seharusnya menjadi tugas pokok sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang selama ini terabaikan...toooooooooooooolloooooooonggg....

Alih2 ini kerjaan setiap lebaran, eh ini terjadi in the middle of the year..not even middle dech baru kuartal pertama kali ya...ya udah si mami mesti cuti..., eh si ayah ikutan cuti..membayangkan harus melakukan semuanya sendiri aja udah pegel2...akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk ikutan pulang kampung nengok orang-tua ... acara berbhakti sekalian ngungsi dech...(manja memang ya...kita ini..) anak2 juga ikutan cuti dech...dengan membawa materi2 pelajaran selama bolos 3 hari.. "3-days-home-schooling" la critanya...who's gonna be the teacher?.... ga perlu di jelasin kali ya..

Kakak Gifta yang masih harus bertanggung-jawab atas keputusan bolos orang-tuanya dengan mengerjakan tugas2 3-days-home-schooling di kamar hotel...., dan suka protes kenapa nugra engga Mi...? karna nugra masih kecil ya...? nach itu tau jawabnya..

Jumat malam this business took effect ..semua asisten udah ngga ada...jadi "no-friday-after-work-coffee" dech...bye mba nah, bye mba titi..jangan telat pulangnya ya..., dengan yakin si mami bisa meng-handle semua sendiri...whats difficult about it anyway kan?... wanti2 ke ayah...."yah..kalo pulang malem langsung makan di luar aja ya..., biar ngga usah masak lagi.." dengan cepat ayah setuju..."beres..." katanya mantap..., jam 9 malam ayah pulang ...tanya "mi ada makanan apa?" LHO! katanya mau makan di luar...ah ngga sempet...jadi....udach alhasil...terpaksa nyalain kompor...dan seadanya lah.. dadar telor, sayur seadanya yang penting. nasi hangat.. cukup..cuma urusannya yaitu cuci piriiiiiiiiiing, penggorengan dan temen2nya dech...(he..he..he..)

Gifta ajak nugra main "swing it" istilah si kakak, dengan patuh penumpang setuju dengan arrangement kakak, lama the swing makin kenceng sampe-sampe penumpang teriak2 dech..., akhirnya penumpang turun, tapi ... buat kakak..tetep swing with or without dech..!! jalan terus...

Sabtu pagi, rencana kita mau langsung ke Purwokerto setelah semua beres, rumah beres..anak2 beres..soonest the ternyata ngga beres..., check list panjang...coz we're gonna 8 hours driving with children..jadi mesti make sure semua tersedia..dari siapin makanan, susu, snacking....pokoknya name it..."better safe than sorry" alhasil ...banyak banget yg mesti di bawa..., tapi anak2 begitu sweet-sweet-potato (apa coba maksudnya..) independent dan mengagumkan, big sister take care of her brother..and the other way around cukup menolong..., Nugra sempet bantuin ngepel..., Gifta jagain adeknya..dengan gaya big-sister!pushed-him-around!... telling nugra what to do...jadi Boss Gifta?

Lima hari perjalanan yang cukup melelahkan..kita singgah ke 5 kota..tapi menjadi hal2 yang menyenangkan, banyak hal yang kita lupa untuk kita omongin secara suami-istri gitu lho.., jadi keinget selama perjalanan...Jakarta-Purwokerto to see Opa for 2 nights-Jogja one night to see Eyang-Cirebon one night to see nobody... kebayang dech capeknya..tapi semua dilalui dengan baik..

Selama perjalanan kita makan yang kita mau makan, kita minum apa yang pengen kita minum ngga peraturan...rambu2nya cuma sepanjang anak2 bisa makan akhirnya segala peraturan food combining dan air hangat plus jeruk nipis tinggal kenangan sepanjang cuti...sarapan pagi di hotel, siang dan malam..apa yg anak2 mau..biasanya ayam goreng kalasan ..dan kremesnya jadi menu hampir setiap siang,...... tapi bakso dan cendol..itu adalah..."apa yg mami mau...." hhmm...lezat dech...

Biarin aku yang jagain ade Mum.., waduch ok nich Gifta.., sambil cuci piring masih sempet denger these lovely sister-brother ngobrol..."Nugra..sekarang kita main ..adek-kakak ya..., aku yang jadi kakaknya ..nugra yang jadi adeknya ya..., nanti kalo aku suruh tidur harus mau ya..." mulai dech si sutradara kasih arahan pemain ....jadi senyum2 sendiri dech dengernya ada2 aja si kakak nich....aduch beruntung dech si nugra dapet peran sesuai kenyataan...jadi casting-nya gampang ya nugra...he..he..

Sesuai jadwal kita sampai di jakarta Rabu malam. dengan membayangkan rumah yang udah rapi dan bersih...jadi tinggal bongkar barang..tanpa harus "bebenah lagi" karna sesuai perjanjian dengan dearly asistant mba titi, kembali ke jakarta rabu sms...selasa malam..."ibu maaf disini hujan deres, ngga ada yg anter ke terminal jadi pulang di tunda..." kata Gifta harus dibales mam.."ya udah ngga papa gitu..." ok..dech masa di ajarin anak sich.... malu hati tp sebel aku ketik sms "ok" mau gimana lagi....

Rabu malam itu sampe dijakarta tanpa terlihat lelah Gifta dan Nugra masih tetep suasana bermain..sampai jam 12 malam... ngga bisa tidur kata mereka.., ya iya karna tidur sepanjang jalan di mobil... sementara si ayah dan si mami kelelahan pengen tidur..., akhirnya mereka terlelap juga....kita pun langsung terkapar.., jam 5 pagi terbangun ada orang mengetuk di bawah..tek-tek-tek...langsung terbangun lari membuka pintu...dari lantai atas kutengok....mbak titi ya..." ada jawaban di bawah...."iya bu........Hooooraaaaaaaaaaaaaaay........ my hero is coming.....

good to be alone..only four of us.., but if i do have a choice its better if there're somebody around helping us.., Guys you are really our great partner ... thank you for being with far. Thank you..thank you.... !!!

the Story about saying i love you...

the three magic words " i love you"... for some people its just words.. easy to say it even they didnt mean that..(for real), and for some others these words are really...really difficult to spell. Im kinda person who easily say the words i love you or i miss you..but i did mean that..and i would never fake my feeling for the sake of courtesy or just having lips service conversation or whatsoever..."never have and never will" its just genuinely expressing my feeling and nothing wrong with that..., i may say that i love my husband and children different when i love my frens..but its still love, isnt it? and i'll keep saying persons that i feel to say it..."i love you..."

this is the little story about saying i love you in a little family of mine..., this is what i do before we go to bed

+ me : i love you Gifta..
- Gifta : i love you mum..
+ me : i love you nugra
- Nugra : i love you mum
+ me : i love you ayah
- ayah : hhhmmmm...
+ Gifta : mum..i told you not to say i love you to ayah...
- Nugra : wrong ayah, i love you mami...gituh!!

Yup, my children were protesting my better-half why he didnt say love me back.., i said its ok..mum's gonna say anyway... for i know he's deeply in love with me (wink..wink..wink..), and the story goes..and i keep doing it..and got "the-hhhmmm-answer" ...

and one-friday-night...this ritual keep rolling...

+ me : i love you Gifta..
- Gifta : i love you mum..
+ me : i love you nugra
- Nugra : i love you mum
+ me : i love you ayah
- ayah : i love you mami..
+ Gifta : Yewwww....ayah say i love you....
- Nugra : Good my dad ...good...(with-cute-little-acting-adult- voice..)

the children were surprisingly happy to hear their ayah spelling the words, what about me at all, i told you..he's gonna say it.., he felt that..he just need to get used to it...i told you he's in love with me.... :-) with or without the words....

I love you guys....!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Drumband Competition...

Gifta and her friends before going to Istora Senayan

about more than a girl had been busy preparing for this drum-band competition. specially for the last-two weeks, they're working out like every day... after school, during Saturday... when they were supposed to have holiday.., i was not able to watch her practice but i followed the progress..., my girl joined as flag guard.."do the dancing..." most of her gang joined the same category..., she almost gave up in the first time..shock of discipline culture.. . she got from her trainer/teacher..ha..ha.. " mami..i don't want to go for drum-band practice anymore..." hhhmmm...i dont want her to grow to be a then i told her i would talk to her teacher not to hard on her.... she said so then i rest my case (wink)

the competition was held on istora senayan last saturday..., i woke her up 5.30 in the morning for she should be at her school by 7 o'clock..and before that we have done her hair do as balerina and make-up ... to be honest..i could not do it so then i left it to the expert.... she was still completely sleepy....and not in the mood..., "c'mon kakak..its a big day....wake up..let me see your smile.." my-standard-mummy-style ...and it works all the time...yes, its B experience..for her and us also as parents..

there was 12 contestant.., our children was no. 6.... so then we watched 4 others 1 was W-O...our hearts was beating....hows its gonna be..they're only 6 years old kids..., but WOW...big was really baguuuuuuuuussss... banget, all the mommies..gave all the support by screaming...shouting their school name.. as loud as could then our children could hear..i thought it was the wildest supporter so that competition... ha..ha.. while the mommies screaming and giving yell-yell.. daddies stay still...with handy-cam ha..ha.. very doesnt mean they didnt give the support..its just different kinda way they express things..., we are so proud of them and hillariously happy... i felt tears in my cheek... (terharus bow!! secara anak gue gitu lho....) after everything finished..we realized that we didnt much picture of it..., but still lucky..the cool daddy a.k.a ayah got it on his handy-cam... that's why mom-dad should have different characters... :-)

we left home after they finished..coz our children looks tired.., they need some rest.., and got it from text-message..."they are 3rd winner and chosen to be favorite team..." we expect to be 1st winner of course like last year...but the most important thing was that we saw that our children have already gave their best...that's all matter to us, and as parents-teachers we were really a great team in the same spirit for our children.....

way to go..children...
we are so proud of you.....!!!

Ps. i would up-load the video after got it from ayah..